"How Do You Feel About Torah ?"
The survey results are in !!!
In a brief poll around the Beis Medrash students were asked, point blank, "How do you feel about Torah ?"
A few answered a shy "good", some an enthusiastic "great !". A few "I love it"'s were heard.
A popular sentiment was echoed by a student who tiredly replied "good, but I haven't had my coffee yet - so it's not as good as it could be (or my ability to grasp it's goodness is severely impaired right now)"
Pouring over a Ramban, one student expressed that Torah is "the focal point of your life" before going back to her learning, while her chavrusa reflected that Torah "can be misconstrued - [one learning Torah] needs guidance".
When was the last time we asked ourselves how we feel about Torah ? When was the last time we did anything about it ?
-Regards from BTI